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Educational Service Unit 13



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The ESU 13 Foundation

The ESU 13 Foundation was created to strengthen the quality of education by providing additional funding and resources to support the school districts and partnerships within the ESU 13 service area. The current funding the ESU receives meets basic necessities; however, as education is continually growing and changing, there are often needs that go unmet. 

The Foundation is a separate, not-for-profit IRS approved 501(c)(3) corporation, governed by a Board of Directors who are passionate about the services and programs offered by ESU 13.

Board of Directors

Ray Richards, President
Kim Marx, Vice President
Marg Dredla, Treasurer
Lana Sides
Diane Reinhardt
Jerry Becking

Our Mission

To enhance the work of ESU 13 by providing additional funding and resources supporting programs and services for school districts and partners in the ESU 13 service area. 

Our Vision

To strengthen the quality of education at ESU 13 by providing additional funding and resources to support the service unit. 

Give Today

Through charitable contributions and donations, the Foundation will help meet the increased financial needs of the school districts and partnerships in our service area. Walk alongside the ESU 13 Foundation as we move forward to provide greater opportunities to the school districts and partners we serve. Please consider making a difference in the lives of the students and educators in the Panhandle through a financial gift to the ESU 13 Foundation. 

Give Online: bit.ly/esu13foundation

Give by Check: If you would like to donate by check, please make payable to the ESU 13 Foundation at 4215 Avenue I, Scottsbluff, NE 69361

Have a specific student, educator, program, etc. that you would like your donation to go to? Please contact the ESU 13 Foundation Executive Director, Mary Brumage: (308) 981-2086; mbrumage@esu13.org


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world: instead, it's the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead