Title IC Migrant Education HOME
Title IC Migrant Education Program
Mission: To help migratory children and youth meet high academic challenges by overcoming the obstacles created by frequent moves, educational disruption, cultural and language differences, and health-related problems.
Goal: Ensure that all migrant students reach challenging academic standards and graduate with a high school diploma (or complete a HSED) that prepares them for responsible citizenship, further learning, and productive employment.
Program Services
Preschool age 3-5: School readiness: Promoting interest in learning and filling educational gaps at home to prepare students for Kindergarten. Helping families find affordable preschool options.
School Age Children: English Language Arts and Math: Ensure that students are at grade level in their core classes with a focus on English Language Arts and Math. Service Providers can do this through testing scores, in home services, and working alongside the school.
High School: Graduation and college preparation: Helping students to achieve their High School Diploma, and complete High School graduation requirements. College readiness by reviewing interests, how to pay for college, and picking a college to attend.
Out-of-School Youth (OSY) Students to Age 21: Continuing education and life skills: Promoting interest in continuing their education through alternative schooling, high school equivalency diplomas or re-enrollment in high school. Ensuring that students are successful outside of school by learning life skills that will help them be successful in the future.
Health Services: Ensuring that all eligible students' basic needs are met by working with community partners and referring families to outside resources.
Parent Education: Providing in-home support for parents of migrant students, events to help meet the students and parents needs. Communication on a year round basis to ensure student success.
Title 1C Education Program does not discriminate against race, gender, age, income, ethnicity or Legal Status.